Now I'm here! :-)
I thought I'd let you all know about check out my friend's blog. She was on her healthy lifestyle and had posted some but she fall off the wagon and stopped posting.. til she did last night bec of me inspired her :-) She want to try start over again... so I read her posts.. wow nobody has left her comments.. I think it'd be great if any of you stop by her blog and leave her some wonderful comments that might will keep her going! I think this will probably help her keep going and not QUIT! Her blog link is on your right side of my blog.. where it said accountability factor, click that and check this out!
Ok now about me! I'm doing good. I went to wal-mart yesterday and parked my vehicle on the lot that's long way from the wal-mart so that I can walk long up to the wal-mart then more walks in wal-mart then walk back to my vehicle from wal-mart.. I did that!! Then I went to Kroger store to do groceries shopping.. I did parked long way from Kroger just so I can walk longer to the Kroger then walked alot in the kroger then walked long back to my vehicle! I felt I have walked ALOT! Also when I arrived my home, I had to carry the bags into my home then back ot my van, where I did alot of stairs there then :-) My feet/leg felt sore.. but that's good bec it tells me wow how much I haven't walked in a LONG time before and now I do alot of walks and can feel it alot in my feet and legs :-)
I am on my 2 weeks of water!! no sodas none!! Look at myself, I made it.. Water for 2 weeks, no SODAS!!! I did it!
I feel alot better, no headaches, or nervous or anything, it's gone.. I think bec I'm used to water!!!! :-D
I remember back then when I was drinking ALOT of sodas.. my heart did felt so fast, like not right.. so I was scared about this.. so I quit.. and stay on water since.. my heart felt normal now.. not fast or anything bad! So I can see why.. SODAS are way bad!!!
Ok I'm still on my weight watchers plan.. so my daily target is 40 points. I have made my breakfast this morning along with took the pics of them! I had a orange juice this morning.. but orange juice I had is low calories! only 1 point for 8 oz of orange juice! They tasted good!
Ok heres the pictures of what I had for breakfast. I tried my best to eat breakfast as in bigger.. then rest of days with small meals and water.. so for breakfast, total points is 11.5 so I have remain 28.5 points to use for rest of day.

That's all I ate for breakfast. I also took a multivitamin!
soo for rest of day, I plan to clean some in my house then go to post office then my bank to make a deposit then back to home and will pick my kids up from school later on this afternoon.
I'll do the walk later this afternoon...
So I guess that's it for today. I'll be back to update my weight loss tomorrow. I am thinking about start posing my loss of weight every 2 weeks, not every week so starting after tomorrow, I won't post update of my weight loss for 2 weeks.. but I'll continue posting whatever I want to say :-)
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