Wednesday, May 26, 2010
I tried to have more fiber daily and noticed it does help with my weight loss. I try not to eat so much of fibers.. but just to have fiber in me daily does help! Water Water Water are the best drink!! I'm glad I stayed on the water since!
It has been rained for maybe 2 or 3 days during the week so I didn't get to walk outside much during the week but I did kept myself active in my house like clean, laundry, etc.
I'm so thrilled to know I lost 4 lbs even after PMS! :-)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
4 ounces
I can feel different .. feel that my shirt is getting big on me.. which is good. My husband can see a little different on my stomach :-) So that's good :-)
Hope that I can get rid of 4 ounces and continue to lose more :-)
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Weight day updated!
I didn't take pictures for this morning breakfast...
I had a egg sandwich (with whole wheat breads) like the picture in yesterday's post, also Yogurt too and a banana and water that's all all 9 points total :-)
Have a great mother's day weekend! :-)
Friday, May 7, 2010
Snack , Lunch Snack Dinner Snack
So here's the meals I had today....
For my mid morning snack : Strawberries & 1 piece of Weight Watchers Cheese String (They are only 1 point! ) and water!



Then for my lunch : Salad with 2 TBSP dressing, water and Lean Cusinie Spaghetti with meat sauce

My Mid Afternoon Snack : 2 laughing cows light swiss cheese wedges and 6 Melba Toasts

Then for Dinner : I had Smart Ones Sante Fe , Water and then Strawberries as a dessert :-)

For evening Snack (after Dinner) like 830pm, I had two weight watchers Cheese strings and a yogurt and water .. there's pics above of cheese and yogurt that's what I had them again for snack.
Now I'm done with the foods. All I do is continue drinking my water :-) I have drank total of 64oz Water today , still drinking more water! :-)
I guess that's it for now. I'll update my weight loss tomorrow. I hope it's gonna be good amount of loss!
Good Night!
Now I'm here! :-)
I thought I'd let you all know about check out my friend's blog. She was on her healthy lifestyle and had posted some but she fall off the wagon and stopped posting.. til she did last night bec of me inspired her :-) She want to try start over again... so I read her posts.. wow nobody has left her comments.. I think it'd be great if any of you stop by her blog and leave her some wonderful comments that might will keep her going! I think this will probably help her keep going and not QUIT! Her blog link is on your right side of my blog.. where it said accountability factor, click that and check this out!
Ok now about me! I'm doing good. I went to wal-mart yesterday and parked my vehicle on the lot that's long way from the wal-mart so that I can walk long up to the wal-mart then more walks in wal-mart then walk back to my vehicle from wal-mart.. I did that!! Then I went to Kroger store to do groceries shopping.. I did parked long way from Kroger just so I can walk longer to the Kroger then walked alot in the kroger then walked long back to my vehicle! I felt I have walked ALOT! Also when I arrived my home, I had to carry the bags into my home then back ot my van, where I did alot of stairs there then :-) My feet/leg felt sore.. but that's good bec it tells me wow how much I haven't walked in a LONG time before and now I do alot of walks and can feel it alot in my feet and legs :-)
I am on my 2 weeks of water!! no sodas none!! Look at myself, I made it.. Water for 2 weeks, no SODAS!!! I did it!
I feel alot better, no headaches, or nervous or anything, it's gone.. I think bec I'm used to water!!!! :-D
I remember back then when I was drinking ALOT of sodas.. my heart did felt so fast, like not right.. so I was scared about this.. so I quit.. and stay on water since.. my heart felt normal now.. not fast or anything bad! So I can see why.. SODAS are way bad!!!
Ok I'm still on my weight watchers plan.. so my daily target is 40 points. I have made my breakfast this morning along with took the pics of them! I had a orange juice this morning.. but orange juice I had is low calories! only 1 point for 8 oz of orange juice! They tasted good!
Ok heres the pictures of what I had for breakfast. I tried my best to eat breakfast as in bigger.. then rest of days with small meals and water.. so for breakfast, total points is 11.5 so I have remain 28.5 points to use for rest of day.

That's all I ate for breakfast. I also took a multivitamin!
soo for rest of day, I plan to clean some in my house then go to post office then my bank to make a deposit then back to home and will pick my kids up from school later on this afternoon.
I'll do the walk later this afternoon...
So I guess that's it for today. I'll be back to update my weight loss tomorrow. I am thinking about start posing my loss of weight every 2 weeks, not every week so starting after tomorrow, I won't post update of my weight loss for 2 weeks.. but I'll continue posting whatever I want to say :-)
Saturday, May 1, 2010
ABC's To Success
ABC's To Success
Acknowledge that you know what to do
Believe that you have the ability to do it
Courage do what needs to be done
Deciding that today is the day
Enjoying the journey
Forgiving yourself and moving on
Going for your goal
Hearing the compliments
Inviting success into your life
Journaling everything that goes in your mouth
Keep coming to WW when you feel like quitting
Loving yourself enough to change your lifestyle
Making delicious meals
Not ever giving up on yourself
Offer to share your new knowledge with others
Patience with the journey...the weight did not come on overnight
Quiet time for yourself
Remind yourself all of the reasons you are doing this
Self-talk that is positive and repetitive
Turning to solutions instead of food for "problems"
Using all of your "tools" for success
Visiting other meetings during the week if you need support
Wanting success with your weight loss more than you want that "treat"
Xerox copies of your favorite recipes
You alone can do this, but you don't have to do it alone
Zero in on your goals and move toward them one pound at a time
I have lost 7.4 lbs so as I said last weekend that I lost 3 lbs so I have lost total of 10.4 so far!!
I know that sounds too much but I did researched on the internet and it says that for first to 2 weeks, may lose weight rapidly bec of water then after that it should be back to normal to lose between 1 to 3 lbs a week.
I'm thrilled bec now I know that I got to stay on water all the time bec it'll help me keep losing my weight. Please pray that I won't give up on this bec I don't want to. Some days I have had hard time when I see my husband drank sodas... I'm like aww I'd love to have one but then I think no no Amy, you got overweight bec of that so stop Amy.. stay with water and you will lose your weights off.. and just remember and think why I need to lose my weight is bec of my kids' future and good examples for them too plus my future grandchildren that I'd love to be more active with them and last thing is that I don't want end up with diabetics or anything like that if I continue gaining my weights.... so I got to think.. My mom used to be fat at like maybe 250lbs and she lost her weight on her own within one year and a half If I'm not mistaken when I was teenager.. so she can do this.. and made this... if she can do it so I can do this too. I got to think not to give up! Keep going, Amy!! :-)
As you know I'm on my weight watchers plan , it seems help me alot to keep track foods online that I have ate and click for amount of waters I drank up to what they recommends. I take Multi-Vitamin every mornings.
Monday is my groceries shopping so I plan to get alot of chickens , maybe fishes for me.. I think my kids should try fishes too :-) I'm gonna plan my foods tomorrow and also plan foods for my kids and hubby bec they don't really eat like I do now. I plan to take pics of what I ate everyday and post it here so you all can get ideas of what I ate or drink, I'll start that on Monday if I have time doing this. I'll try my best to post everyday but I didn't do the past 2 days bec I was busy with kiddos at school for field day and all that others went on.
One friend I know told me that I should eat a little bigger breakfast then rest of all day small meals and snacks? Bec breakfast is mostly important of the day, must eat them.. they suggest that I drink only one coffee, nothing more than one cup of coffee. I'm trying to think what kind of bigger breakfast should it be for the mornings?? I like omelet, or egg and a bacon or french toasts or A egg sandwich...oatmeal but only with bananas in it or cinnamon and apples in it that's all I like, not a plain oatmeal. If you have any suggest about breakfast that I could eat, please leave a comment.. I'd love to know and maybe try this too.
I found another site that seems to be more helpful and might be what you all would like to check this out.. it's the address
They are pretty much about weight watchers stuff and have recipes etc.. I thought wow, what's a great site! Best of all is they are free! So I'm gonna add this link onto the side bar of my blog.
So today is Saturday, I plan to clean around my house and finish the laundry and take my step daughter to her friend's to spend one night with her then get refills meds from Walgreens then head back to home.... and stay at home and relax but I plan to keep doing something around in my house anyway.. My husband needs to mow the yard! I don't know if he'll do this or not.
Well, I guess that's all to say for now. Have a great day!