Saturday, April 9, 2011


Wow.. it has been almost a year now.. actually 11 months since I haven't posted new one.

Yes I fell off the wagon.. was way off track!!!

I was doing well back then but then I learned my grandmother was in a nursing home.. I remember my mom told me this at IHOP restaurant (last April or May 2010) and I was like so shocked bec I had no idea.. and it just broke my heart knowing she is in nursing home.. not in her own home :( After that, I have constantly thought about her ALOT ALOT. I just went off the track and ate more/back to sodas etc.. I know that sounds so lame.. but there's alot things that went on my mind that I'd not want to think about the healthy foods anymore.

From what I know, My grandmother is doing ok. She's still in nursing home as of now. She's doing better be in there bec she wasn't doing well before she ended up in nursing home so I guess this is best that she stays in nursing home. I haven't went and visit her yet.. but hope it'll be soon for me to go see her. It is hard to find a time or day to see her bec I have 2 boys and two step children and my husband works again... but I did write her a letters or cards sometimes. I know she may not be able to write back at all.. at least she's getting those from me and knows that I'm thinking of her and love her very much. I always think about wonderful memories I had with my grandmother during my childhood. She's so angel person.. She is so good hearted person! I wish she's not too far, so I'd be able to go see her anytime I want to.. but she's like 3 hours and a half away from me.

Well, It's time for me to get back on track bec I have seen how much I gained some more :( not too thrilled about this but I have seen many obese people out there that's more than I am.. and I'm scared to be like them one day. I don't want this! I want to lose my weight so I can be more active for my children and future grand children... I'm not doing for them.. I'm doing this for me bec I want to! I want to live longer !

I don't think I'll actually follow the weight watchers way bec I don't have $$ to pay for it.. so I'll just think all the healthy foods to eat.. like stay away from fry.. go for broil, baked or grilled.. maybe cook on a pan without oil or using a cooking spray oil that doesn't have fat in it. Eat foods that has fiber in it.. like fruits.. vegetables... wheat breads... also look for protein to drink or eat daily too.. And Drink Waters.. to replace the sodas! I have started back on water yesterday.. and have tried the crystal lights too, they are so GOOD!! I'll have to look out for serving and portion sizes too... like for instance.. Sometimes I'd have two sandwiches.. but now I'll have to go with one sandwich along with a fruit or a healthy vegetables to go with this as a side.

Walks as much as I can everyday even indoor too if it's raining, I'll use the dvd "Walk away the pounds" 1 mile and just to keep myself MOVING MOVING MOVING AROUND!!! not stick to the chair! .. I know all sounds too easy.. but not to me.. I hope I can do this.. stay this way.

Maybe once I lost 50 pounds then I'll check out the curves to join and do more different exercise they have! :)

I don't have buddies to go with me for walking or to talk about healthy foods or whatever.. :( I hope I'll find one soon so that we can do this together sometimes :) It'll help keep us motivation!

Well, I guess that's it for now.

Well it's good to be back.. hopefully I'll be able to update my blog often.


  1. Good Luck and keep going do it dont give up.. I wish we are closer too.. BUt we can teach each other how to eat :) Since we learned drink water replaced soda.. now food.. I am struggling...Wheat Bread awesome some of them.. wonder about torilla burritos size.. is it good? or I know i eat that also wheat torilla too..

  2. Way to go Amy!! You can do it! I'm proud of you!
